19 research outputs found

    Towards Generalising Neural Implicit Representations

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    Neural implicit representations have shown substantial improvements in efficiently storing 3D data, when compared to conventional formats. However, the focus of existing work has mainly been on storage and subsequent reconstruction. In this work, we show that training neural representations for reconstruction tasks alongside conventional tasks can produce more general encodings that admit equal quality reconstructions to single task training, whilst improving results on conventional tasks when compared to single task encodings. We reformulate the semantic segmentation task, creating a more representative task for implicit representation contexts, and through multi-task experiments on reconstruction, classification, and segmentation, show our approach learns feature rich encodings that admit equal performance for each task

    DSConv: Efficient Convolution Operator

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    Quantization is a popular way of increasing the speed and lowering the memory usage of Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs). When labelled training data is available, network weights and activations have successfully been quantized down to 1-bit. The same cannot be said about the scenario when labelled training data is not available, e.g. when quantizing a pre-trained model, where current approaches show, at best, no loss of accuracy at 8-bit quantizations. We introduce DSConv, a flexible quantized convolution operator that replaces single-precision operations with their far less expensive integer counterparts, while maintaining the probability distributions over both the kernel weights and the outputs. We test our model as a plug-and-play replacement for standard convolution on most popular neural network architectures, ResNet, DenseNet, GoogLeNet, AlexNet and VGG-Net and demonstrate state-of-the-art results, with less than 1% loss of accuracy, without retraining, using only 4-bit quantization. We also show how a distillation-based adaptation stage with unlabelled data can improve results even further

    DFNet: Enhance Absolute Pose Regression with Direct Feature Matching

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    We introduce a camera relocalization pipeline that combines absolute pose regression (APR) and direct feature matching. Existing photometric-based methods have trouble on scenes with large photometric distortions, e.g. outdoor environments. By incorporating an exposure-adaptive novel view synthesis, our methods can successfully address the challenges. Moreover, by introducing domain-invariant feature matching, our solution can improve pose regression accuracy while using semi-supervised learning on unlabeled data. In particular, the pipeline consists of two components, Novel View Synthesizer and FeatureNet (DFNet). The former synthesizes novel views compensating for changes in exposure and the latter regresses camera poses and extracts robust features that bridge the domain gap between real images and synthetic ones. We show that domain invariant feature matching effectively enhances camera pose estimation both in indoor and outdoor scenes. Hence, our method achieves a state-of-the-art accuracy by outperforming existing single-image APR methods by as much as 56%, comparable to 3D structure-based methods

    Dual-Resolution Correspondence Networks

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    We tackle the problem of establishing dense pixel-wise correspondences between a pair of images. In this work, we introduce Dual-Resolution Correspondence Networks (DRC-Net), to obtain pixel-wise correspondences in a coarse-to-fine manner. DRC-Net extracts both coarse- and fine- resolution feature maps. The coarse maps are used to produce a full but coarse 4D correlation tensor, which is then refined by a learnable neighbourhood consensus module. The fine-resolution feature maps are used to obtain the final dense correspondences guided by the refined coarse 4D correlation tensor. The selected coarse-resolution matching scores allow the fine-resolution features to focus only on a limited number of possible matches with high confidence. In this way, DRC-Net dramatically increases matching reliability and localisation accuracy, while avoiding to apply the expensive 4D convolution kernels on fine-resolution feature maps. We comprehensively evaluate our method on large-scale public benchmarks including HPatches, InLoc, and Aachen Day-Night. It achieves the state-of-the-art results on all of them

    BNV-Fusion: Dense 3D Reconstruction using Bi-level Neural Volume Fusion

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    Dense 3D reconstruction from a stream of depth images is the key to many mixed reality and robotic applications. Although methods based on Truncated Signed Distance Function (TSDF) Fusion have advanced the field over the years, the TSDF volume representation is confronted with striking a balance between the robustness to noisy measurements and maintaining the level of detail. We present Bi-level Neural Volume Fusion (BNV-Fusion), which leverages recent advances in neural implicit representations and neural rendering for dense 3D reconstruction. In order to incrementally integrate new depth maps into a global neural implicit representation, we propose a novel bi-level fusion strategy that considers both efficiency and reconstruction quality by design. We evaluate the proposed method on multiple datasets quantitatively and qualitatively, demonstrating a significant improvement over existing methods.Comment: Accepted at CVPR 202

    InfiniTAM v3: A Framework for Large-Scale 3D Reconstruction with Loop Closure

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    Volumetric models have become a popular representation for 3D scenes in recent years. One breakthrough leading to their popularity was KinectFusion, which focuses on 3D reconstruction using RGB-D sensors. However, monocular SLAM has since also been tackled with very similar approaches. Representing the reconstruction volumetrically as a TSDF leads to most of the simplicity and efficiency that can be achieved with GPU implementations of these systems. However, this representation is memory-intensive and limits applicability to small-scale reconstructions. Several avenues have been explored to overcome this. With the aim of summarizing them and providing for a fast, flexible 3D reconstruction pipeline, we propose a new, unifying framework called InfiniTAM. The idea is that steps like camera tracking, scene representation and integration of new data can easily be replaced and adapted to the user's needs. This report describes the technical implementation details of InfiniTAM v3, the third version of our InfiniTAM system. We have added various new features, as well as making numerous enhancements to the low-level code that significantly improve our camera tracking performance. The new features that we expect to be of most interest are (i) a robust camera tracking module; (ii) an implementation of Glocker et al.'s keyframe-based random ferns camera relocaliser; (iii) a novel approach to globally-consistent TSDF-based reconstruction, based on dividing the scene into rigid submaps and optimising the relative poses between them; and (iv) an implementation of Keller et al.'s surfel-based reconstruction approach.Comment: This article largely supersedes arxiv:1410.0925 (it describes version 3 of the InfiniTAM framework

    NoPe-NeRF: Optimising Neural Radiance Field with No Pose Prior

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    Training a Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) without pre-computed camera poses is challenging. Recent advances in this direction demonstrate the possibility of jointly optimising a NeRF and camera poses in forward-facing scenes. However, these methods still face difficulties during dramatic camera movement. We tackle this challenging problem by incorporating undistorted monocular depth priors. These priors are generated by correcting scale and shift parameters during training, with which we are then able to constrain the relative poses between consecutive frames. This constraint is achieved using our proposed novel loss functions. Experiments on real-world indoor and outdoor scenes show that our method can handle challenging camera trajectories and outperforms existing methods in terms of novel view rendering quality and pose estimation accuracy. Our project page is https://nope-nerf.active.vision

    FlowNet3D++: Geometric Losses For Deep Scene Flow Estimation

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    We present FlowNet3D++, a deep scene flow estimation network. Inspired by classical methods, FlowNet3D++ incorporates geometric constraints in the form of point-to-plane distance and angular alignment between individual vectors in the flow field, into FlowNet3D. We demonstrate that the addition of these geometric loss terms improves the previous state-of-art FlowNet3D accuracy from 57.85% to 63.43%. To further demonstrate the effectiveness of our geometric constraints, we propose a benchmark for flow estimation on the task of dynamic 3D reconstruction, thus providing a more holistic and practical measure of performance than the breakdown of individual metrics previously used to evaluate scene flow. This is made possible through the contribution of a novel pipeline to integrate point-based scene flow predictions into a global dense volume. FlowNet3D++ achieves up to a 15.0% reduction in reconstruction error over FlowNet3D, and up to a 35.2% improvement over KillingFusion alone. We will release our scene flow estimation code later.Comment: Accepted in WACV 202